Top 7 Technologies For Creating Robust Mobile Apps In 2021

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Top 7  Technologies For Creating Robust Mobile Apps in 2021

Top 7 Technologies For Creating Robust Mobile Apps In 2021

In this Blog, we will have a look at some of the best technologies that can be used for creating a robust mobile app in 2021.

If we talk about the mobile sector, it has grown out of longer than 10 years. With each passing day, the utilization of mobile applications is increasing. It is assessed that the application downloads will increment up to 352.9 billion by 2021. With this massive development in the use of mobile applications, we can notice the endless competition. Most mobile application development companies come up with applications that can get well known among users. However, do all the mobile applications get the very measure of accomplishment that is desired?

To stand out from user's attention and make them use your application, you should come up with an application that is trending, which has a user-friendly interface, and an application that coordinates the current bar of digitization. To do such, one must have ideal information on the technologies that can help make a user-friendly and powerful application. With the right comprehension of mobile application technologies, the application developers can think of some unique applications which can do incredible business. 

Thus, in this blog, we will discuss some best technologies for mobile app creation in 2021

Top 7 Mobile App Development Technologies

1. Flutter: Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK, is made by Google. It is utilized for making top-notch, cross-platform native interfaces for the iOS and Android platforms. Flutter utilizes Dart to help mobile application developers build native interfaces. Dart is one of the new programming dialects. With the adaptability it has been developed, it has gotten one of the comprehensively utilized mobile application development technologies. Some of the applications created using Flutter are Google Ads, Reflectly, Xianyu by Alibaba, and many more.

2. Java : Java is an object-oriented programming language. It is an official Android development language. It is a language that is simple to understand. It has open-source libraries that are promptly accessible for users to choose from. While Java has its fair share of faults, it’s still the most popular language for Android development.

 Java is an innovation that offers the best documentation and network uphold. With Java, developers can make any mobile application. A framework like TestNG and Log4J is created utilizing Java. Other than this, a few applications that are created utilizing Java are SeeWeather, the VLC media player, Telegram for Android, etc.

3. Python: Python is a broadly acknowledged programming language. This language is quick, simple to-utilize, and easy-to-deploy. Using Python, we can create scalable web applications. Famous applications like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and SurveyMonkey are built-in Python. This language gives astounding library uphold. It has a huge developers community. This language has solid incorporation, and it gives improved control capacities. Python gives a high beginning stage to all new businesses.

4. Swift : Swift is another new open-source programming language for watchOS, iOS, OS X, and tvOS applications that build on the best of C and Objective C. This language receives a protected programming pattern and adds modern features to make the programming more adaptable and more comfortable. It is a programming language with the principal modern quality frameworks, and it is expressive as a scripting language. 

Applications like Lyft, LinkedIn, and Hipmunk are some of the apps developed and upgraded in the iOS version by Swift.

5. React Native: React Native is an instructive list of mobile application development technologies. It is an open-source system created by Facebook. This innovation helps the application developers build cross-platform native mobile applications with the utilization of ReactJS and JavaScript. With React Native, one can create cross-platform applications with the look, feel, and function precisely like native applications. The applications created using React Native are AirBnB, Myntra, UberEats, Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram, and many more.

6. Kotlin: Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that is utilized for developing current modern Android applications today. Kotlin is supposed to be the advanced version of Java. For Android developers, this language is an advanced response to obsolete Java. Kotlin is a language that has impacted some other programming dialects, for example, Scala, Gosu, Groovy, Java, and so on Applications written in Kotlin are Pinterest, Trello, Evernote, Coursera, and many more.

7. R Programming:  R programming language is probably the best language for Data Analysis and Machine Learning. R programming is a platform-independent language. R programming gives brilliant built-in libraries and frameworks that can assist you with growing amazing Machine Learning algorithms. This language is utilized for illustrations and graphics as well as general statistical computing. Developing R packages is simple for any individual who learns this language. The endeavors are adopting R well very well.


What’s the best programming language for mobile app development?

There is no right or wrong answer to what programming language you should learn or what framework you should invest in. All of the options listed in this blog are good and valid choices to consider. 

You just need to find out what’s best for you, your business, and your goals.

What type of application are you building? What does the application need? Where do you want to put the most effort? Do you want to develop it once or multiple times?

These are some of the questions that you need to ask yourself to determine where your time, effort, and resources are best served. At the end of the day, just make sure you can go to market quickly with the best possible app.

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