Why Your Business Website Needs A Blog

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Why Your Business Website Needs A Blog

Why Your Business Website Needs A Blog

Like it is said, “Pen is mightier than a sword” there is a lot one can achieve through writing, it can influence people, change a mindset, connect people and also it gives the writer an opportunity to tell the world your opinions and perspective.

Blog writing has become an integral part of every business website and why shouldn’t it be, It’s like a magic wand, you see the magic happening shortly after the websites starts featuring blogs. Good and well-written blogs can do a lot for every business website right from engaging potential customers, investors to building a healthy relationship with a potential customer.

Let’s have a look at the key benefits of having a Blog on your website:

  •    You become Visible!

Yes, this is the work a right kind of blog writing would do, having a dynamic website signals the search engines like Google that your website is alive and active, dormant websites usually don’t show up in searches. Every time you write a new blog it is another page that is indexed to the search engines, implying that the probability of you getting noticed is increased hence making you more visible. The blog entries which are well written, optimized for search engines and provide engaging content are a magnet to for the internet traffic.

Therefore, a well-maintained blog will enable a website to get more traffic, which helps it get visible and noticed by potential customers.

  •    Provides an Insight into a Customer’s needs

Because of its synergetic nature, a blog can help the website know what its target audience or potential customers are thinking, what services they want and their likes and dislikes, it also allows you to track your reader, click-throughs, comments and shares, and one can also tell when readers prefer stopping by. This information can be of great value its can be used to analyze customer’s behavior and also used as a feedback in order to develop new products or services and make changes in the existing one.

  •    An Excellent online marketing strategy!

If you want customers to flock towards your website and make it rank high in Google SERP, digital marketers know that the competition is fierce. It all starts with a well-written, regularly updated blog. Sharing your blogs on different social media platforms will bring the audience to your website. Not only you will share the blog but also the readers who like your blog might share it on social media. Blogging is a perfect content marketing strategy.

  •    Cost effectiveness

It serves as an inexpensive testing ground for huge campaigns, in case your blog has a huge audience, the communication of information can happen here, product releases and announcement can be done on the blogging platforms and it pays off which might not happen when we pitch the stories to journalists.

  •    Building Relationship with customers
Blogs can beautifully attract audience and once you are able to keep them interested, it can bloom into a wonderful relationship, the customer might regularly visit your blog, understand your products, the knowledge that you share and it might feel like a personal conversation, while you might be targeting a larger audience but each and every customer might feel that personal touch, understanding their personal needs, finding what annoys them and what makes them smile are few things blog writing can do. Customers can communicate with you through comments and engage them in discussions.

That’s not all!

Let’s have a look at some mind-blowing facts about blogging:

  • 5-10 blogs are read by most people every day.
  • 70% of people learn about a company through their blogs rather than advertisements.
  • 60 % people feel positive about a brand after reading their blog.
  • Web sites that blogs have 97% more inbound links.

While blogging can be time-consuming, it can also raise your company’s profile on the Internet, build word-of-mouth marketing and develop customer loyalty. It’s a time investment that’s well worth the effort.

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